Enabling Authority - indicates why the report is required.
Executive Summary - describes information contained in the report.
House Document (HD) - a legislative study requested by the House of Delegates.*
Overdue - a report status indicating that the due date has passed and the report has not yet been submitted.
Pending - a report status indicating that the report has not yet been submitted and that the due date has not yet passed.
Published - a report status that indicates the report has been submitted and received by the General Assembly.
Report Document (RD) - a recurring report not specifically designated as a House or Senate document.
Senate Document (SD) - a legislative study requested by the Senate of Virginia.*
*Does not include: 1) Governor's Budget Bill, 2) State of the Commonwealth Address, 3) List of Pardons, Commutations, Reprieves and Other Forms of Clemency, and 4) Certain reports by permanent Commissions, Boards, etc.