Session Statistics

The Statistics page displays totals of bills Introduced, Passed House, Passed Senate, Passed, Incorporated, Failed, Pending, Approved, Vetoed, and Continued to Next Session, as of the current date and time. There are three statistics views available - Session, House Committee, and Senate Committee. Session statistics show bills by type. House and Senate Committee statistics show data for bills that each Committee has handled.

Session Statistics Bill Types:

Introduced = Legislation that is Introduced in the House of Delegates, i.e., designated as HB - House Bill, HJ - House Joint Resolution, and HR - House Resolution; and legislation that is Introduced in the Senate of Virginia, i.e., designated as SB - Senate Bill, SJ - Senate Joint Resolution, and SR - Senate Resolution.

Passed House = Legislation that has passed the House of Delegates, and may include legislation designated as HB, HJ, HR, SB, and SJ.  A Senate Resolution (SR) is not considered by the House of Delegates.

Passed Senate = Legislation that has passed the Senate of Virginia, and may include legislation designated as SB, SJ, SR, HB, and HJ.  A House Resolution (HR) is not considered by the Senate of Virginia.

Passed = Legislation that has passed the House of Delegates and the Senate of Virginia, and includes single-house Resolutions, i.e., HRs and SRs.

Incorporated = Two or more pieces of similar legislation is combined (incorporated) when being considered by a Committee and is reported out as a Substitute.  Legislation that is incorporated will be designated as Incorporated. The bill history will reflect the name of the Committee that voted to incorporate, and the bill number into which it has been incorporated.  The Summary will also include the bill number into which it has been incorporated.

Failed = Legislation that has been stricken from the docket, failed in Committee, failed to be reported from Committee,  fails to be passed in one chamber, or fails to be reported from a Conference Committee.

Pending = Legislation that is awaiting final action of the General Assembly or the Governor.

Approved = Legislation that has passed the General Assembly and been approved by the Governor and assigned an Act of Assembly Chapter.

Vetoed = Legislation that has passed the General Assembly but has been vetoed by the Governor as authorized by Article V, Section 6, of the Constitution of Virginia.

Continued to Next Session/Continued from Last Session = Legislation that has been referred to Committee and the Committee has voted to continue the legislation to the next  year's Session.  Legislation cannot be continued from an odd-year Session to an even-year Session.  Odd-year Session statistics will cite "Continued from last Session" and even-year Session statistics will cite "Continued to Next Session."  As required by a Resolution that is Introduced on the first day of the even-numbered year Session that establishes a schedule for the conduct of business coming before the General Assembly, Committees that continue legislation to the next odd-year's Session shall complete their consideration of all legislation continued by them no later than midnight on a day designated in the Resolution.  Any legislation that is not reported out of Committee by the designated date fails.