Glossary of Legislative Terms

Acts of Assembly - Those bills passed by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor. An act is given a number which represents the numerical sequence in which the bill was signed. This number refers to the “Chapter” of the Acts of Assembly, i.e., Senate Bill 79 became Chapter 23 of the Acts of Assembly, being the twenty-third bill signed into law by the Governor. After the Session, all acts are bound into volumes referred to as the Acts of Assembly. Joint resolutions amending the Constitution of Virginia are also assigned Chapter numbers, but are not signed by the Governor, and are placed in the Acts of Assembly.

Adjournment - Termination of a Session for that day, with the hour and day of the next meeting being set prior to adjournment.

Adjournment Sine Die - The final adjournment of a legislative Session. The Latin translation is “without a day, an indefinite period.”

Agenda - A list prepared by the Committee Clerk of all legislation pending before a standing Committee or a subcommittee. The order in which bills are taken up is determined by the Chair of the Committee.

Amendment - A change made (or proposed to be made) to legislation in committee or on the chamber floor that adds to, revises, or deletes language from the legislation.

Amendment, Constitutional - A joint resolution that affects the Constitution and is passed by two General Assembly Sessions separated by a general election of the House of Delegates. At the second Session, a bill must also be passed to place the proposal on a ballot. Final approval is given by voters at a general election.

Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute - A substantive redrafting of legislation that incorporates the changes in a new version referred to as a “substitute.” An amendment in the nature of a substitute may be offered by a standing committee, on the chamber floor by a member, by a conference committee, or by the Governor.

Appropriation - Funds allocated for various departments of government set aside by formal action for specific use. Allows money to be spent; is not actual expenditure record.

Bicameral - A legislature consisting of two separate chambers, each serving as a check on the other’s power.

Biennium - A two-year term of legislative activity, usually used in association with the budget.

Bill - A proposal to amend, repeal, or add sections to the Code of Virginia or the Acts of Assembly.

Bill Number - The identifying number given each bill filed for introduction. Type of Bill Numbers are HB "House Bill" and SB "Senate Bill".

Bill Status - Legislative Information System (LIS) The database system for tracking legislation and the daily activities of the Senate and the House of Delegates.

Bipartisan - Marked by or involving cooperation, agreement, and compromise between both political parties or caucuses.

Budget Bill - Recommended appropriations of state revenue presented by the Governor to the General Assembly for its consideration during the legislative Session.

By Request - A member may add “by request” to his/her name when introducing a bill, which indicates that the bill has been introduced at the request of a constituent, a governmental agency, or an organization.

Calendar - The daily printed agenda of business for each house that is arranged according to the order of business and is scheduled for consideration by a chamber. The Calendar also contains scheduled committee meetings and public hearings.

Caucus - An informal meeting of a group of members, most often called on the basis of party affiliation or regional representation.

Chamber - Official hall for the meeting of a legislative body.

Chapter - A bill passed and signed into law by the Governor. The term also applies to constitutional amendments passed by the General Assembly and to bills passed notwithstanding the Governor’s objections or amendments.

Charter Bill - Legislation relating to powers of counties, cities, and towns specifically granted by the General Assembly. Charters, and changes thereto, are not codified and are found only in the Acts of Assembly.

Clerk of the House of Delegates - A non-legislator officer who is elected by the members of the House of Delegates to perform and direct the parliamentary and clerical functions of the chamber.

Clerk of the Senate of Virginia - A non-legislator officer who is elected by the members of the Senate of Virginia to perform and direct the parliamentary and clerical functions of the chamber.

Code of Virginia - A compilation of the laws of the Commonwealth that is arranged alphabetically by subject, with each subject heading being referred to as a “Title.”

Commending Resolution - Legislation that expresses legislative sentiment relating to a person, place, or thing.

Committee - A group of legislators from the Senate or the House of Delegates organized for the purpose of considering and deciding on the disposition of legislation.

Committee Actions

  • Carry Over (Continue) – Action which removes the measure from consideration during an even-numbered year Session and provides for its reconsideration at the next regular Session of the General Assembly. No bill may be carried over in an odd-numbered year Session. A carry-over bill retains its assigned bill number in the odd-numbered year Session.
  • Fail to Report (Defeat) – The Committee rejects a motion to report a bill to the full house.
  • Incorporate – The Committee incorporates one or more bills into another bill.
  • Laying on the Table/Tabled - Remove the legislation from consideration.
  • No Action Taken – No motion is made on the bill and it dies at the time of the Committee deadline.
  • Report – The majority of the committee approves the bill and it is reported to the floor. The bill may be reported three ways: without amendment(s), with amendment(s), or with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. A bill may also be reported and referred to another committee.
  • Strike – The bill is removed from the docket. This action frequently occurs at the request of the patron.

Committee Docket - A list prepared by the Committee Clerk of all legislation pending before a standing Committee or a subcommittee. The order in which bills are taken up is determined by the Chair of the Committee.

Communication - Legislative documents containing a list of bills and resolutions passed from one house to another. May also be a message from the Governor or the Judiciary.

Conferee - Member of a Conference Committee appointed by the Speaker of the House for the House of Delegates and appointed by the Chair of the Committee that has reviewed the bill for the Senate of Virginia.

Conference Committee - An even number of legislators, half of them from the House and half of them from the Senate, who meet to resolve differences between versions of a specific bill or joint resolution passed by their respective bodies. This usually includes three members from each body.

Conflict of Interest - A position taken by a legislator on a matter that threatens the legislator's ability to vote impartially due to some personal interest in a legislative issue (pursuant to House Rule 69 or Senate Rule 36).

Constituent - A citizen residing within the district of a legislator.

Constitution - A written instrument embodying the fundamental principles of the state that guarantees powers and duties of the government and certain rights to the people.

Constitutional Reading Dispensed - A motion and a vote to dispense with the reading of the title of the bill as required by the Constitution of Virginia. The Constitution of Virginia requires that the title of the bill be read on three different calendar days.

Dillon Rule - Restricts the authority of local governments with respect to the enactment of ordinances. Local governments only have powers granted by the Constitution of Virginia and/or passed by the General Assembly.

Division - A method of voting; a request that members stand or raise hands to be counted when the outcome of a voice vote is unclear or in dispute.

District - That division of the state represented by a legislator distinguished numerically or by geographical boundaries. There are 100 House Districts and 40 Senate Districts.

Docket - A list of all legislation that is pending before a standing committee, prepared by the committee clerk (See Committee Docket).

Effective Date - Date on which a Chapter of the Acts of Assembly becomes a law. Laws become effective July 1 in the year they are passed, unless otherwise specified. Laws passed at a special Session become effective on the first day of the fourth month following adjournment, unless otherwise specified.

Emergency Clause - Due to an emergency, the law becomes effective when signed by the Governor.

Enacting Clause - That clause of an act that formally expresses the legislative sanction. In Virginia, the enacting clause reads, “Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:”

Engrossed - A stage in the legislative process when a bill passes the second reading in the house of origin. If amended, the engrossed version of the legislation is printed incorporating all amendments that are agreed to. If not amended, the introduced version of the legislation becomes the engrossed bill, and if an amendment in the nature of a substitute is agreed to, the substitute becomes the engrossed bill.

Enrolled - Legislation which has passed both the Senate and the House of Delegates. It has been signed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House and it has been sent to the Governor, but not yet signed. If signed by the Governor, the bill becomes a law and a Chapter of the Acts of Assembly.

Fiscal Impact Statement/Impact Statement - Statement prepared by various entities, e.g., Department of Planning and Budget, Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission, etc., that states in dollars the estimated amount of increase or decrease in revenue or expenditures and the present and future implications of a piece of proposed legislation.

Fiscal Year - A 12-month accounting period used in the State Budget. In Virginia, the fiscal year begins July 1 and ends June 30 of the following year.

Floor - That portion of the chamber reserved for members, staff, and other persons granted access during the Session.

Floor Amendment - An alternation offered to a legislative document that is presented by a legislator while that document is being discussed on the floor of that legislator's chamber.

Floor Leader - Refers to majority and minority leadership in each house.

Floor Session The daily meeting of the House of Delegates and the Senate.

Gallery - Balconies of each chamber from which visitors may view the proceedings.

Germaneness - The relevance or appropriateness of amendments or substitutes.

Hearing Public discussion and appearance on a proposal or bill; usually scheduled by a committee.

House of Delegates - Consists of 100 members. Each Delegate is elected from a separate and distinct district for a term of two years.

Incorporated - Two or more pieces of similar legislation is combined (incorporated) when being considered by a Committee and is reported out as a Substitute.

Insert - Add language to a bill or resolution. Added language is displayed in italics.

Interim - The interval between annual Sessions.

Introduction/Introduced - The formal presentation of a proposal after it has been drafted.

Joint Committee - A committee composed of members from both chambers.

Joint Rules - Parliamentary rules governing joint procedures or operations of the Senate and House.

Joint Session - A combined meeting of the Senate and House of Delegates in one chamber.

Journal - The compilation of legislative actions and proceedings of the House of Delegates and the Senate which are published by their respective Clerk’s office. The Journal is the official record of each legislative body.

Leave of Absence - Permission granted to a member to be absent for a day.

Legislative Day - A day on which either chamber convenes (or both chambers convene) to conduct official business.

Legislative Intent - The purpose for which a measure is introduced and/or passed.

Legislative Liaison - Person designated to (i) serve as legislative liaison between any such department, agency, board, or commission and the General Assembly, (ii) act as the official spokesperson representing such department, agency, board, or commission, and (iii) be at all times available to assist members of the General Assembly in seeking solutions to problems of citizens of the Commonwealth.

Legislator - An elected member of a legislative body.

Legislature (General Assembly) - The branch of state government responsible for enacting laws.

Line Item - Numeric line in an appropriation or budget bill.

Line Item Veto - An action taken by the Governor to prevent the enactment of an item of an appropriation bill.

Lobbyist - A person who represents a particular interest or group of interests before the General Assembly. An individual who receives compensation or is reimbursed for expenses for representing an organization, association or other group for the purpose of influencing or attempting to influence legislative (or executive) action by means of oral or written communication.

Majority Leader - A member of the majority party designated to be its floor leader.

Majority Party - The political party having the greater number of members in either house of the legislature.

Measure - General term for a bill, resolution or memorial.

Member Elect - Member who has been elected, but who has not yet taken the oath of office or who is not yet officially serving.

Members Present - The term used to refer to those members who are actually present at a daily session.

Memorial Resolution - Legislation that celebrates the life of an individual who has passed.

Minority Leader - A member of the minority party designated to be its floor leader.

Minority Party - The political party having the fewer number of members in either house of the legislature.

Minute Book - A document consisting of the condensed daily floor actions of the Senate, committee reports, and communications.

Minutes - A document consisting of the condensed daily floor actions of the House of Delegates, committee reports, and communications.

Morning Hour - A period at the beginning of each day’s Session when members may introduce distinguished visitors to their colleagues or speak on any subject by asking for a “Point of Personal Privilege.”

Motion - Formal proposal offered by a member of a deliberative assembly.

Nay - Vote in the negative or a "no" vote.

Nonpartisan - Having no association or affiliation with a political party or caucus.

Oath of Office - Oath taken by members-elect of the legislature prior to being seated and embarking upon official duties.

Order of Business - The defined routine of procedure in the legislative body each day.

Out of Order - Not being conducted under proper parliamentary rules and procedures.

Parliamentary Inquiry - A question posed to the presiding officer for clarification of a point in the proceedings.

Partisan - Associated or affiliated with a single political party or caucus.

Passed by for the day - Action by which a bill is not taken up for consideration on the day it appears on the Calendar. A bill can be passed by for the day numerous times. If the bill is not taken up and acted on by the end of Session, the bill fails.

Patron - A legislator who introduces a specific piece of legislation. Other legislators may show their support by signing on as co-patrons. May also be referred to as a Sponsor.

Pending/Previous Question - A motion to close debate and bring the pending question or questions to an immediate vote.

Per Diem - Literally, per day; daily expense money rendered to legislators or staff.

Point of Order - A question by a member to the presiding officer calling attention to a breach of order or of the rules.

Prefiled - Designates legislation that was submitted for Introduction prior to the first day of the Session.

Prefiling Calendar - List of legislative drafting deadlines for prefiled legislation up to the first day of Session.

President of the Senate - The Lt. Governor of Virginia serves as Senate President and presides over the daily session. The Senate President does not vote except to break a tie.

President Pro Tempore (Pro Tem) of the Senate - The officer elected by the Senate to preside in the absence of the Senate President and to exercise other duties set out in the Senate Rules.

Presiding Officer - Person designated to preside at a legislative session.

Quorum - When a legislative body is assembled, the minimum number of members required to transact business.

Reading - The presentation of a bill before either house requiring the reading and printing of the bill title. This formal procedure is required by the Constitution and the Rules of each house and indicates to the legislators and the public a stage in the enactment of a measure. The Constitution requires that bills receive three readings or three printings by title on three different days in each house. House and Senate Rules allow that a reading may be dispensed with by a majority of those legislators present and voting.

Reapportionment - A redrawing of legislative district boundaries every ten years to provide equality of representation according to population.

Recess - Intermission in a daily session; intermission from one legislative day to the next legislative day.

Recommittal - In the Senate, this is the reassignment of legislation to the last committee that considered it.

Reconsideration - A motion which, when granted, results in another vote annulling or reaffirming an action previously taken. Such a motion may be offered only by a member having voted previously on the prevailing side.

Reconvened Session - A Session held on the sixth Wednesday after adjournment of each regular or special Session when the legislature meets to consider and act on bills vetoed by the Governor and bills with recommendations by the Governor.

Reenrolled - Legislation that includes Governor's amendments that have been adopted by both the House of Delegates and the Senate.

Referendum - A method by which a measure adopted by the legislature may be submitted to the voters.

Referral - The assignment of legislation to a committee. In the House of Delegates, referral is initially done by the Speaker of the House. In the Senate it is done by the Clerk of the Senate.

Regular Session - The annual meeting of the legislature required by constitution.

Repeal - A method by which a legislative action is revoked or annulled.

Rereferral - In the House of Delegates, this is the reassignment of legislation to the last Committee that considered it. Rereferral is initiated by a member from the floor and a vote is taken. In the Senate, rereferral is the reassignment of legislation to another Committee. It is done by the Committee that is considering it or by a member from the floor.

Resolution - Legislation which requests a study, or expresses legislative opinion or sentiment on a particular issue. Resolutions do not have the force of law and do not require the signature of the Governor. Constitutional amendments, however, are signed by the presiding officer of each house and are assigned chapter numbers.

Roll Call - Names of the members being called in alphabetical order and recorded; used to establish a quorum or to take a vote on an issue before the body.

Rules - Regulating principles or methods of legislative procedure. The House of Delegates and the Senate of Virginia have their own separate Rules.

Ruling of the Chair - A decision by the presiding officer concerning a question of order or procedure.

Senate of Virginia - Consists of 40 members. Each Senator is elected from a separate and distinct district for a term of four years.

Seniority - Recognition of prior legislative service.

Sergeant-at-Arms - The person charged with enforcing the directions of the President of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of Delegates. The Sergeant's office is responsible for the security of the respective legislative body and maintenance of property of that house.

Session - The period of time for which the legislature meets. In even-numbered years, the Session meets for 60 days; in odd-numbered years it meets for 30 days. The Session may be extended for a maximum of 30 days. The odd-numbered year Sessions are usually extended to 46 days. Sessions are designated by the calendar year in which they occur.

Session Calendar - List of legislative deadlines for filing various types of legislation and other business to be conducted.

Simple Majority - One more than half of those voting on a question.

Speaker of the House - Presiding officer of the House of Delegates elected by the members of the House of Delegates.

Special Session - A special meeting of the legislature that is called by the governor (or the legislature itself) and limited to specific matters. Special Sessions are designated by the calendar year in which they occur followed by the number of the Session, e.g., Special Session I. If more than one Special Session is called, they are designated by the next numeric number, e.g., Special Session II.

Standing Committees - Regular committees of the legislature set up to perform certain legislative functions, and to consider legislation regarding certain areas of the law.

Status of the Bill - The progress of a bill at any given time in the legislative process. It can be in committee, on the calendar, in the other house, etc.

Statute - A formal enactment of the legislature of a more permanent nature. The term “statute” is used to designate written law, as distinguished from unwritten law.

Strike Out - The form for deletions of language from a bill or resolution. Language that is stricken is displayed in strike-through.

Subcommittee - A group of legislators who are members of a standing committee selected by the committee chairman to consider certain categories of bills. Subcommittees make recommendations to the full committee.

Substitute - A bill offered by a committee in lieu of another bill that was originally referred to the committee for consideration; technically, the committee substitute is an amendment to the original bill. Substitutes may be reported from a Committee, may be presented on the Chamber Floor by a legislator, may be reported from a Conference Committee, or may be reported from the Governor. Substitutes are notated by the chamber offering the Substitute, e.g., a Substitute for HB1 offered by a House Committee or a Floor Substitute offered by a House legislator would be notated HB1H1. If the Senate reports a Committee Substitute or a Floor Substitute is offered by a Senate legislator, the bill would be notated HB1S1. Additional Substitutes are sequentially numbered, e.g., HB1H2, HB1S2, etc.

Summary - Brief description of a bill or a resolution.

Sunset - The expiration date of a legislative measure.

Suspension of the Rules - Parliamentary procedure whereby actions can be taken which would otherwise be out of order. A 2/3 vote is required to suspend the rules.

Term of Office - Period of time for which a person is elected.

Title - A concise statement of the subject and the contents of a bill.

Unanimous Consent - Permission granted to a legislator to introduce legislation after the filing deadline.

Underscore - The form for additions of language to a bill or resolution. Language that is added may be displayed in underscore or italics.

Veto - Action by which the Governor refuses to sign legislation passed by the General Assembly. The Governor returns the vetoed bill to its house of origin. A 2/3 vote of each body is required to overturn a veto.

Vote - Formal expression of will or decision by the legislative body.

Vote, En Bloc - The disposition of several items, such as a series of bills or amendments, by taking one vote.

Vote, Recorded - A roll call vote in which each member electronically votes yea, nay, or abstain. The vote is recorded in the Journal of each legislative body.

Vote, Voice - Oral expression of the members when a question is submitted for their determination. Response is given by “yeas” and “nays,” and the presiding officer states his/her decision as to which side prevails.

Yea - Vote in the affirmative or a "yes" vote.

Yield - The relinquishing of the floor by one member to another member to speak or ask a question during debate.